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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1 Its contribution is original, unpublished yet and not being evaluated by anothher publishing; on the contrary, it must be justified in 'Comentários ao Editor'. If the study has been already published in Anais: indicate the name of the event, place and date.

  • 2 Files for submission must bein Microsoft Word, OpenOfice or RTF format (not heavier than 2MB);

  • 3 URLs for references were informed whenever necessary.

  • 4 The text follows the style pattern and the bibliographic requirements described in Diretrizes para Autores (Guidelines for Authors), in the section 'About the Journal'.


  • 5 The authorship identification hás been removed from the file and from the Word Properties, in order to guarantee the journal's secret authorship as a criterium for selection, whenever it was submited to a pair evaluation (example, articles), according to intructions available at 'Assuring a Blind Review Evaluation.'
  • Inform the Link Institution of all authors in “Comments for the editor”.
  • In submissions with multiple authors, each author should complete the Author Contributions (CRediT Taxonomy) and insert it at the end of the article to be submitted.

Author Guidelines

  1. Articles and teaching cases for publication are evaluated by at least two ad hoc Consultants through a blind review system. Additionally, they are submitted to the Scientific Editor and/or members of the Editorial Board using the same system. This ensures a double-blind review system, where the authors' identities are not known at any stage of the evaluation process.

  2. The works are analyzed for their scope (innovation), depth, clarity of ideas presented, as well as their accessibility to readers, including professors, executives, students, and scholars in Accounting in general.

  3. The editorial team reserves the right to make grammatical revisions to the original submissions in order to maintain the quality of the publication while respecting the authors' styles and opinions.

  4. The opinions expressed by the authors of the article and/or teaching case are solely their responsibility.

  5. The texts should be written in clear and concise Portuguese, English, or Spanish.

  6. The journal will publish only one article/teaching case per author per year.

  7. Please note that the journal does not charge any fees for submission, processing, or publication of articles.

  8. The names of the author(s), academic degrees, affiliation, address, phone number, and ORCID identifier (ID) must be provided in the submission metadata.

  9. Filling out all fields of the submission form is mandatory.

  10. Authors should have only one article under review at a time. Authors who have already published/approved articles in a given year can resubmit starting from January 1st of the following year.

  11. The maximum number of authors allowed is five. (For more than five authors, please send an email to with a justification to be evaluated by the editors).

  12. The article should include recent references (within the last five years).

  13. The article should include references to research published in international journals whenever the topic allows (from sources such as: Periódicos Capes, Web of Science, Scopus, DOAJ, Ebscohost, Emerald, Inderscience, JSTOR, Redalyc, Science Direct, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, etc.).

  14. The article should include references to research published in national journals (from sources such as: Scielo, Spell, Sumá, Base Atena, etc.).

  15. Articles that utilize historical data series (data from sources such as Economática, IBGE, Datasus, for example) should be updated with the most recent year of available data or with a minimal and justifiable time lag.

  16. The article should align with the Focus and Scope of the journal and provide an effective contribution to accounting theory and/or practice.

  17. The contribution is original, unpublished, and not being evaluated for publication by another national or international journal.

  18. In submissions with multiple authors, each author should complete the Author Contributions (CRediT Taxonomy) and insert it at the end of the article to be submitted.


Studies Presentation

The study structure must follow the order below:

  • Study Title: the title, followed by its version in English, must be brief, specific and descritive.
  • Summary: it must be included na informative summary up to 250 words.
  • Key Words: theyust be written in the same language of the summary, with a maximum of 5 most known descriptors in th efield, separated by period and with a full stop at the end.
  • Abstract: it is required to have a version of the summary in English.
  • Key words: maximum of 5 descriptors.
  • Introduction:
  • Body
  • Conclusion
  • Citations: as from January 2017, according to the Standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. Citations should be indicated in the text through the 'author-data' system. E.g.: Souza (2015).
  • References: as from January 2017, according to the Standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. Reference list in alphabetical order, at the end of the manuscript, including only those references mentioned in the text.
  • Format: Maximum of 15 pages (minimum of 8), including the bibliographic references, typed in a compatible software for Microsoft Office 2000 or superior for Windows, with the following especifications:

A) Source: Arial, size 11 (for texts) and 9 (for tables, figures and footnotes);
B) Spacing: simple between lines;
C) Alignment: justified (for paragraphs);
D) Number of pages: in the lower right corner;
E) Margins: right and bottom = 2 cm; Left and top = 2.5 cm;
F) Paper Size: A4 (21.0 mm by 29.7 mm);

  • Table: only this term should be used, in the title, for quantitative and/or qualitative data presented in the form of lines and columns (do not use the term "picture"). Tables should be numbered in the order of their appearance, with a heading to explain what is represented. The title should be placed on top of the Table, in compliance with APA standards 7th edition.

          Table 1
          Normal Test of Data Distribution

  • Figure: only this term should be used in the title for images (do not use "illustration", "graph", "organizational chart" etc.). The title should be placed at the top, preceded by the word "Figure," followed by its ordinal number of occurrence in the text in Arabic numerals, in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition standard.
    Figure 1
    Inherent institutionalization processes
  • Tables, Figures and Formulae should permit editing in software compatible with Microsoft Office 2000 or superior for Windows.


Privacy Statement


In observance of Law No. 13,709/18 - General Law of Personal Data Protection, as well as the legislation correlated to the protection of Personal Data, I expressly, spontaneously, informed, unequivocally and expressly authorize REVISTA CATARINENSE DA CIÊNCIA CONTÁBIL - RCCC to carry out the treatment of my Personal Data for the purposes and according to the conditions established in the Privacy Policy. Below: 



When you register with the RCCC of the Regional Accounting Council of Santa Catarina, some personal data is collected for the management of papers submissions and publications. The Regional Accounting Council of Santa Catarina values the security of your data, the respect for your privacy and the transparency with you, and for this reason, we have dedicated this document to explain how the Regional Accounting Council of Santa Catarina will treat your personal data and what measures we apply to keep it secure. 


Name, Institution/Affiliation, Phone, Email, Address, Country, ORCID. 


Your Personal Data may be used by RCCC to: 

  • Send information about editorial management process of the submitted paper; 
  • Issue certificates of publication or evaluation of papers; 
  • Feed internal reports about RCCC; 
  • Carry out direct communication in cases of assistance; 
  • Forward emails in case of paper publication.


The data collected shall be processed during the period in which the data subject is considered active in our registry. 

The data controller shall take all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access, improper disclosure, unauthorized alteration or destruction of the data. 

Data processing is performed using computers and/or IT (information technology) enabled tools, following organizational procedures and means strictly related to the stated purposes.  

RCCC may make automated decisions based on your Personal Data, and the data subject is guaranteed the right to request, through the Ombudsman, a review of these decisions. 


RCCC stores your data securely, in compliance with the General Data Protection Act, ensuring the protection and privacy of your personal data. 

Your personal data will be kept for as long as you are considered active in our registry. After that period, we may store your personal data for an additional period of five years for auditing purposes to enable us to comply with legal or regulatory obligations. We shall retain your data for as long as necessary, subject to the time limits set out in applicable law. After the additional period and/or necessary retention period for eventual legal compliance (sec. 7, inc. II of LGPD), the collected data shall be duly eliminated.


The data subject may request, upon request: 

I - the confirmation of the existence of processing;  

II - access to your personal data; 

III - the correction of your incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated personal data; 

IV - anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive data or data treated in non-conformity with the provisions of the legislation in effect; 

V - portability of the data to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;

VI - deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, except in the cases provided for in Sec.  16 of Law 13,709/2018; 

VII – Information of the public and private entities with which the controller carried out the shared use of data; 

VIII – information about the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of refusal; 

IX – revocation of consent, in the terms of § 5 of Sec. 8 of Law 13,709/2018; 

All requests from the data subject may be forwarded by phone +55 48 3027-7006 or .

Through the LGPD Service Channel, you may also: request the deletion of your personal data collected and recorded by CRCSC at the end of its purpose of use or request the review of automated decisions. 

Finally, and for pertinent purposes, we inform you that the activities of processing of personal data collected during the registration at RCCC, carried out by CRCSC, comply with good faith and the other principles enshrined in the LGPD.

Thus, aware of all the possible implications that will result from the processing of personal data, by accepting this term, the user will be providing its free and informed consent to the processing of your personal data in view of the purposes specified in this Privacy Statement and free and informed consent.

CRCSC Professional Development Department