Social responsibility practices in open capital companies from Santa Catarina listed on BM&FBOVESPA - DOI:


  • Daniela Di Domenico UNOCHAPECÓ
  • Sady Mazzioni UNOCHAPECÓ
  • Clesia Ana Gubiani UNOCHAPECO
  • Neli Bastezini Kronbauer UNOCHAPECÓ
  • Leonir Vilani UNOCHAPECO


Environmental sustainability, Environmental responsibility, Actions and environmental practices.


This article aims at identifying the practices of corporate social responsibility of corporations with open capital of Santa Catarina listed BM&FBovespa. The justification of this research is related to the influence of the disclosure of information for the investors, researchers and users of environmental information. In the methodological procedures, the study is characterized as exploratory as its goals, documental regarding the procedures and its approach to the problem is predominantly qualitative. The companies included in the sample are: BRF SA, BUETTNER SA, CASAN, KARSTEN SA and WEG SA. There were several social and environmental responsibility practices highlighted by the companies, but it was possible to identify that all the practices aim at promoting the company beyond its main objective of having an action performed. It may be highlighted key practices as being the actions and the care for the conscious consumption of water and energy, using sources which are not harmful to the environment. Another important action is in the care of the disposal of solid and liquid waste generated in the operational processes of companies. The concern about the air pollution is also very clear, since it is one of the main environmental problems nowadays.

Author Biographies

Daniela Di Domenico, UNOCHAPECÓ

Mestre em Ciências Contábeis - FURB. Professora na Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó - UNOCHAPECÓ. Endereço: Rua Claudio Stakonski, 90D, apto 102, Bloco A | Presidente Médici | 89.806-154 | Chapecó/SC | Brasil.

Sady Mazzioni, UNOCHAPECÓ

Doutorando no programa de pós-graduação em Ciências Contábeis e Administração - FURB. Professor na Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó - UNOCHAPECÓ. Endereço: Rua Francisco Norberto Bonher, 55 E, Bairro jardim Itália | 89.802-530 | Chapecó SC | Brasil.

Clesia Ana Gubiani, UNOCHAPECO

Mestre em Ciências Contábeis - FURB. Professora na Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó - UNOCHAPECÓ. Endereço: Av. Belém 1829, centro | 89.870-000 | Pinhalzinho/SC | Brasil.

Neli Bastezini Kronbauer, UNOCHAPECÓ

Mestre em Educação e Ensino - UnC/Unicamp. Professora na Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó - UNOCHAPECÓ.

Leonir Vilani, UNOCHAPECO

Graduando em Ciências Contábeis na Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó - UNOCHAPECÓ. Endereço: Rua Antonio Borges, Nº 927, Bairro Meneguetti | 89990-000 | São Lourenço do Oeste/SC | Brasil.



How to Cite

Di Domenico, D., Mazzioni, S., Gubiani, C. A., Bastezini Kronbauer, N., & Vilani, L. (2015). Social responsibility practices in open capital companies from Santa Catarina listed on BM&FBOVESPA - DOI: Revista Catarinense Da Ciência Contábil, 14(42), p. 70–84. Retrieved from