Audit Committee, Size, Independence, Expertise.Abstract
The study aimed to verify the characteristics of size, independence and expertise of the audit committees of companies listed on the BM&FBovespa in 2010 to 2013. Among the 407 companies listed on the stock exchange, only 68 of them have audit committee trained in some period analyzed. The year 2013 had 59 companies with the audit committee, which is the largest number found, representing only 14.50% of the population. The main results showed that compared to most size complies with the precepts of best practices, have three participating members of the audit committee. However, companies have heterogeneous practices in this feature, existing both those with only one or two members as others that have more than six members. In 2013 there were 192 members of 59 committee’s companies, and of these, 48 are engineers, 45 economists, 41 managers, 26 accountants and one auditor. Overall, it is concluded that the creation of the audit committee is not yet an established practice by Brazilian companies and that this manifests itself in different ways across organizations.References
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