Growth Acceleration Program (PAC): a descriptive study of active and passive waste


  • Daniele Silva Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Nálbia de Araújo Santos Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Walmer Faroni Universidade Federal de Viçosa



Public audit, Active and passive waste, Growth of Acceleration Program, General Comptroller of the Union.


In 2007, the Brazilian government implemented the Growth Acceleration of Program (PAC), with the objective of encouraging Brazil's economic growth, with investments in the areas of sanitation, housing, transportation, energy and water resources. This program, in its first phase (2007-2010), contributed in a decisive way to the increase in the supply of jobs and in the generation of income in Brazil. However, according to "Instituto Trata Brasil" 86% of the sanitary sewage works from the PAC were paralyzed, or delayed or not started until December 2012. Also, in 2008 and 2009, through the special edition of the Inspection Program by Public Sweepstakes, the Federal Comptroller General's Office found several irregularities in 110 Brazilian municipalities covered with PAC funds. In this context, the objective of the study was to analyze the irregularities verified by the CGU, in the application of the federal resources destined to the sanitation and housing areas of the Brazilian municipalities through the first stage of the PAC. The main source of data for the survey were CGU's reports from the PAC and Census 2000 data, made available by IBGE. The techniques of Content analysis were used to classify the irregularities, verified by the CGU, in active waste (corruption) and passive (mismanagement). The Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the profile of irregularities and the municipalities audited. It was observed that the most frequent wastes in the municipalities audited are those classified as Overbilling and Fraudulent Bidding (classified as active waste); and “Bad Administration” and “Irregular Bidding”, in the form of passive waste.

Author Biographies

Daniele Silva Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Master in Business Administration with a concentration in Public Area in the Graduate Program in Business Administration at Universidade Federal de Viçosa (PPGADM/UFV). Address: Avenida Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n | Campus Universitário | 36570-900 | Viçosa/MG | Brazil.

Nálbia de Araújo Santos, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Doctor in Controllership and Accounting by Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professor of the Department of Business Administration and Accounting and of the Professional Master's Program In Public Administration at Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV). Address: Avenida Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n | Campus Universitário | 36570-900 | Viçosa/MG | Brazil.

Walmer Faroni, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Doctor in Economic and Business Sciences from University of Valencia. Professor of the Department of Business Administration and Accounting and of the Post-Graduation Program In Business Administration at Universidade Federal de Viçosa (PPGADM/UFV). Address: Avenida Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n | Campus Universitário | 36570-900 | Viçosa/MG | Brazil.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, D. S., Santos, N. de A., & Faroni, W. (2018). Growth Acceleration Program (PAC): a descriptive study of active and passive waste. Revista Catarinense Da Ciência Contábil, 17(50).