Disclosure, Provisions and Contingent Liabilities, High Pollution Potential, Profitability.Abstract
The present study aims to analyze the relationship between the profitability and the disclosure of environmental contingent provisions and liabilities of the companies with high potential for pollution listed in B3. The research sample consists of 38 companies of shares traded in B3, which makes up the high-impact group, according to Law No. 10,165 / 2000, which deals with the National Environmental Policy. In order to achieve the objective of this research, we used the content analysis to examine the disclosure of environmental contingent provisions and liabilities by companies, in the period from 2011 to 2016, as well as the application of multiple regression of fixed effect. The result presented statistical significance between the independent variable Profitability (RENT) and disclosure, but with a negative coefficient, that is, the most profitable companies are not necessarily the ones that most disclose information on environmental contingent provisions and liabilities. Thus, there was a rejection of the research hypothesis (H1: The profitability of companies with high polluting potential is positively related to the disclosure of provisions and contingent environmental liabilities). Such a result runs counter to the argument that most profitable firms tend to disclose more information than less profitable ones, just to differentiate themselves from them. Regarding the other variables, Market Value and Business Sustainability Index (ISE), these were significant and negative, while Indebtedness was positive; Size was not significant, and finally, Corporate Governance was omitted from the econometric model because it was a fixed dummy along the panel.References
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