Employability in the accounting sector, academic formation mode and gender: what is the relationship?
Employability, Academic training, Accounting Sciences, Genre, In-class teaching, Distance learning.Abstract
In this research, the relationship between the variables employability, academic training mode and gender was investigated in order to identify whether accounting professionals consider the educational background and the gender in their hiring decisions, also discussing their opinion with relation to the equivalence between courses taught in person and online. The data, collected from a sample of 188 owners of accounting organizations in four micro regions of the Triângulo Mineiro, revealed a profile of respondents, mostly male (70.7%), with a higher education level (67.7%) and mean age of 47 years. Professionals do not know or experienced the EaD (66.5%) prevail. In 16 organizations, there is no woman on the staff. The data analyzed through Descriptive Statistics, Frequency Analysis and t-Student Test confirmed that in hiring decision situations there is preference for candidates who have obtained their graduation through face-to-face teaching. It was found, on a scale of 0 to 10, that the highest recommendation average is for female candidates who have completed their degree in the face-to-face teaching modality (?=8.92). Therefore, the relationship between employability, used as a proxy for admission, academic training in face-to-face teaching, and the female gender in contractual preferences of accounting professionals was confirmed. The results also indicate that 58.51% of the sample investigated considers that the faculties and courses taught online are inferior to the presential ones.References
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