Gender wage discrimination and agent perception: analysis in the controller profession
Wage discrimination, Genre, Profession of Controller.Abstract
The study aimed to highlight aspects of gender wage discrimination in the performance of controllers and describe, through the discourse of agents, how they perceive discriminatory practices. To this end, an exploratory research with a mixed approach was performed. The population comprised Brazil's professional controllers with active profiles on the LinkedIn® professional network in 2018. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews with professionals. For quantitative analysis, the Levene Test and the Student T Test were performed, and for the qualitative analysis of the date, speech analysis was used. It is noteworthy that gender discrimination was perceived in the controller profession, through the difficulties related to the practice of the profession, which involves aspects such as workload and sexual harassment. The contributions presented by this research refer to the profession and the agents' perception of inequalities. However, for organizations, the results can signal reflections on change and even spur other companies to strengthen equity between men and women.References
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