Theoretical essay on cognitive biases in judgments of financial statement preparers




Behavioral Accounting, Accounting Theory, IFRS, Cognitive Effects.


For the development of accounting theory, it is important to identify and discuss behavioral aspects that may influence the judgment and decision making process of financial statement preparers. The study is characterized as a theoretical essay, as it addresses the cognitive effects that can affect this process. The main contribution of this method is to jointly consider separate theoretical pieces and to contemplate an integrative perspective. Several accounting practices can generate cognitive biases, however, in this essay, only the biases arising from practices that allow these judgments will be dealt with, disregarding those not arising from the behavior of these professionals. These are cognitive effects that can affect the behavior of preparers: impulsiveness, lack of skepticism, natural optimism and pessimism, familiarity, adjustment heuristic, overconfidence, loss aversion, change aversion and task complexity. These aspects may lead to a lack of comparability in judgments made by individuals through judgments that differ according to the personality traits of the decision makers. Reflection on the discussion of these behavioral aspects applied to accounting contributes to the development of accounting as a science by integrating psychology with accounting science. For these aspects, questions are elaborated that can be adopted in future studies, by conducting semi-experiments with accounting professionals.

Author Biographies

Paulo Vitor Souza de Souza, Federal University of Pará and University of Brasilia

Federal University of Pará and University of Brasilia. Address: Rua Augusto Correa, 1 | Guamá | 66075-110 | Belém/PA | Brazil.

Jorge Katsumi Niyama, University of Brasilia

University of Brasilia. Address: Campus Darcy Ribeiro - Prédio da FACE, S/N | Asa Norte | 70910-900 | Brasília/DF | Brazil.

César Augusto Tibúrcio Silva, University of Brasilia

University of Brasilia. Address: Campus Darcy Ribeiro - Prédio da FACE, Sala A1-112, S/N | Asa Norte | 70910-900 | Brasília/DF | Brazil.


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How to Cite

Souza, P. V. S. de, Niyama, J. K., & Tibúrcio Silva, C. A. (2020). Theoretical essay on cognitive biases in judgments of financial statement preparers. Revista Catarinense Da Ciência Contábil, 19.


