Emergency Remote Education in the Perception of On-Site Accounting Sciences Students during the Covid-19 pandemic





Covid-19, Remote teaching, Active methodologies, Professor’s role, Remote education


This study aimed to investigate the perception of on-site students of the Accounting Sciences Program of a public university that adopted emergency remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, highlighting the aspects that favor or hinder learning. A qualitative and descriptive study was carried out, with data collected through 4 focus groups with the participation of 80 students from an on-site undergraduate program in Accounting Sciences. The results indicate that the students perceive the structural factors (flexibility in the deadlines for delivery of activities), personal and collective factors (autonomy in the learning process) and didactic-pedagogical factors (use of active methodologies by the professor) as facilitating aspects of the remote education. As for the aspects that hinder learning, we highlight external factors (lack of internet access), individual factors (not maintaining a study routine and increased stress levels) and traditional remote education (monotonous videoconference classes). Finally, an optimistic vision for future trends is observed, with changes in the human aspects (change of paradigm of the student's role), institutional aspects (greater use of technology) and formative aspects (use of active methodologies). It is concluded that the use of active methodologies in the didactic and pedagogical aspect raises the participation of the number of students in remote classes and improves the quality of learning. This study can contribute to educational institutions that adopt emergency remote education for continuity of academic activities in periods of crisis, as well as to professors who plan their activities. It emphasizes the role of the professor and the importance of active methodologies in the development of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Soares, C. S., Duanne Emanuel Leal, & Souza, T. V. de . (2021). Emergency Remote Education in the Perception of On-Site Accounting Sciences Students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Revista Catarinense Da Ciência Contábil, 20, e3182. https://doi.org/10.16930/2237-766220213182


