The influence of corporate social responsibility on the quality of accounting statements of Brazilian companies




Organizational Responsibility, Quality of Accounting Information, Republishing Financial Statements


The interest in revealing and controlling disclosed information grows due to an increasingly demanding market that is aware of the need and effect of organizational actions. Thus, a descriptive survey was conducted with 300 companies listed on B3 in order to investigate the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on the quality of financial statements of Brazilian companies, treating data by applying descriptive statistics, test of difference between means, correlation, and logistic regression. We analyzed the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) measured by the general metric CSRHub, and the quality of information represented by the republishing of their financial statements, considering that this parameter signals low quality of the information initially disclosed. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences in the CSR concerning the companies that republish their financial statements compared to those that do not, denoting that their tends to be a higher investment in CSR in companies that do not republish their information. It was also found that the greater the CSR and the organizational size, the lower the republishing of the financial statements by the companies. Finally, it was found that the CSR negatively affects the republishing of the financial statements, presenting that the higher the CSR, the lower the probability of that the companies will republish the financial statements. Thus, companies with higher CSR levels are more likely to increase the care with the information disclosed, therefore denoting higher quality of accounting information. Thus, the hypothesis of this study that companies with higher CSR practices disclose higher quality financial statements was accepted.


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How to Cite

Freire, M. M. A., & Albuquerque Filho, A. R. (2022). The influence of corporate social responsibility on the quality of accounting statements of Brazilian companies. Revista Catarinense Da Ciência Contábil, 21, e3223.


