Quality of accounting service provision: the relevance of its measurement





Quality of Accounting Services, Customer satisfaction, SERVQUAL


Identifying customer satisfaction needs in relation to the quality of services provided, by scientific means, helps the management of companies, in reducing the rates of loss of customers to the competition and in increasing the prospecting of new customers. This study aimed to highlight the importance of measuring the quality of the provision of accounting services, applying the SERVQUAL scale. In order to achieve the proposed objective, a quantitative study was carried out, through a case study. The study population consisted of clients of an accounting firm established in the city of Itajaí - SC. Through descriptive statistical analysis, the results indicate that the analyzed office meets the needs and satisfies its clients by providing its services, however some negative aspects were identified in the 5 dimensions proposed by the applied model: investment in new technologies (tangibility), services and sending reliable information (reliability), customer support (responsiveness), employees’ kindness (security), and personalized service (empathy). These aspects deserve attention from managers in order to improve the quality of service provision, its performance, the prospecting of new customers and their loyalty. However, the importance of measuring the quality of the provision of accounting services was verified, the results show that relationship issues deserve full attention, since individualized service, agility and ethics in the provision of services, provides improvements in the provision of the service, making it the more reliable and skillful.


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How to Cite

Vinholi, M. C. (2022). Quality of accounting service provision: the relevance of its measurement. Revista Catarinense Da Ciência Contábil, 21, e3315. https://doi.org/10.16930/2237-766220223315


