Timeliness of financial statements from the perspective of financial slack in companies listed on B3
Timeliness, Financial Slack, Financial StatementsAbstract
The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of financial slack on the timeliness of financial statements in companies listed on B3. Accordingly, the research explores this objective descriptively, analyzing data from the period 2013 to 2023 collected through the Economatica® platform. Panel-categorized data were analyzed using logistic and multiple regressions as methodological tools to support understanding of the observed phenomena, based on a final sample of 199 companies. Differences were observed in means concerning leverage and financial slack, which are components of the financial structure of companies that delay their report publication compared to those that do not. Additionally, through regression models, it is evident that financial slack is significant and negatively affects the delay in publication, indicating that company liquidity is associated with lower risks of delayed reporting. This pattern is also confirmed in the model that studies the publication lag as the dependent variable, reinforcing the argument that more liquid companies experience shorter publication lag periods for their reports. Thus, the research contributes to validating complexity metrics and their role in studying phenomena associated with the timeliness of accounting information, in addition to adding the role of financial slack to the literature.
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