Analysis of Indicators for the Integration, Implementation, and Development of the Environmental, Social, and Governance – ESG Report in ISE/B3 Companies
Sustainability, ESG, Sustainability reports., Indicators and DriversAbstract
This study aims to identify the indicators that influence the integration, implementation, and development of the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Report in ISE/B3 companies. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach to determine the relevant indicators, with data analyzed through content analysis followed by descriptive analysis. Reports and questionnaires were evaluated on a scale from 0 to 5. where 0 indicated "not applicable" and 5 indicated "very high" regarding the application of ESG criteria in the companies. The findings revealed that companies initially began publishing ESG reports due to market demands, which later evolved into a strategic differentiator. Most companies demonstrated compliance with sustainable practices. In the environmental axis, companies achieved high scores (4 to 5) on variables such as greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, climate change adaptation, water usage, effluent management, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, circular economy, waste management, and environmental management. In the social axis, key variables included private social investment, stakeholder dialogue and engagement, social impact, respect for human rights, combating forced or compulsory labor, combating child labor, diversity and equity policies, inclusion promotion, professional development, occupational health and safety, quality of life, freedom of association, compensation and benefits policies, and relationships with customers, consumers, and suppliers. In the governance axis, notable variables included corporate governance structure and composition, sustainability-related purpose and strategy, compliance, integrity programs and anti-corruption practices, combating unfair competition, stakeholder engagement, business risk management, and information security management.
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