Dynamics of disclosure of key audit issues in Brazil and Portugal
Key Audit Matters, Informational Content, TrendAbstract
The study analyzes the Key Audit Matters (KAM) reported by independent auditors in non-financial companies listed on the Brazilian Stock Exchange and Euronext Lisbon from 2016 to 2021. For this purpose, a sample of 460 companies was used, and content analysis was performed on 4.733 KAM from 1.775 Independent Audit Reports (IAR), categorizing them at the lowest possible level: i) 25 items from Ibracon (2017; 2018); ii) 6 classes from ACCA (2018); and iii) 2 risk items from Sierra-García et al. (2019) and Lennox et al. (2022). Additionally, through descriptive analysis, the total number of KAM was examined by year, sector, audit firm, life cycle, and addition/elimination. The results indicate: an average of 3 KAM per company; an increase from 2016 to 2017 and a decline from 2017 to 2021, implying more eliminations than additions annually; the big four audited the majority of the sample; more KAM were reported in companies in the maturity phase of their life cycle; and the content was predominantly about financial statement risks. These findings help stakeholders in the IAR understand that there is a trend in the quantity and informational content of KAM, which are relatively focused on subjective, complex, and challenging financial aspects that require auditor involvement.
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