Developing creative accountants
how does design thinking promote appreciation of the accounting professional?
Design Thinking, Creativity, Accounting Professional, AccountingAbstract
By addressing innovation, creativity, and problem-solving in corporate contexts, Design Thinking has attracted the interest of both scholars and professionals. Despite this, this methodology has still been little disseminated among accounting professionals. Therefore, this study aimed to identify how the Design Thinking methodology can be used to promote the appreciation of the accounting professional. The study involved 521 students who attended the Accounting Planning discipline, offered in the seventh stage of the Accounting Sciences course at a federal university in southern Brazil. Using the survey as a technical procedure, the content analysis of the records of perceptions and ideas generated in Design Thinking workshops was conducted using Nvivo and Microsoft Excel. The students' perceptions regarding the application of the methodology showed that its use is conducive to creating innovative ideas and making them leave their comfort zone. Students reported being aware that they use creativity very little. Still, they are concerned about their development, as they understand that it adds professional and personal value and benefits the profession as a whole. The practical implication is the illustration of how this methodology can contribute to establishing a new professional image, and federal and state accounting councils can use it.
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